SBM Offshore N.V. orders new Diving Support and Construction Vessel (DSCV) confirming investment in offshore contracting
SBM Offshore has awarded a contract to Keppel Singmarine in Singapore for the detailed design and construction of a multi-purpose Diving Support & Construction Vessel (DSCV). This investment is an important element of the Company’s strategy to grow offshore contracting activities within the Turnkey Services segment, adding to its fleet a modern vessel with high performance and reliability.
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The ship will be a MT-6024 design from Marin Teknikk in Norway and will be built to DNV rules and international regulations. The vessel will have a class III DP system and be equipped with a fully integrated 12-man saturation diving system capable of operating in up to 300 metres of water depth. It will include a patented “double-deck” concept which will provide a large storage / construction area on the upper deck while keeping the conventional main deck unobstructed for anchor handling equipment. A 250 tonnes knuckle boom crane and an active heave compensated 150 tonnes winch will enable the vessel to carry out offshore construction and installation work in water depth of up to 1,500 metres. Operations will be supported by one work-class and one observation-class ROV.
Delivery is scheduled for the second quarter of 2013. The vessel will be fully owned and operated by SBM Offshore.