(Foto: Ulstein Group/Per Eide Studio)

Blue Ship vessels contracted for Statoil

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Two of the six PSVs in the Blue Ship Invest fleet, 'Blue Thunder' and 'Blue Guardian', have been contracted for long-term work for Statoil.

‘Blue Thunder’ has been working for Statoil since April, and this contract ends on 23 January. Statoil has now entered into a new 6-month contract for this vessel, with two 3-month options.

‘Blue Guardian’, currently in the spot market for Statoil, has been contracted on the same conditions, and will start working for Statoil in the beginning of January.

A third Blue Ship vessel, ‘Blue Protector’, is also currently in the spot market for Statoil.

The other three vessels in the fleet are on long-term contracts for Apache and BG. The vessels were built in the period 2012-2013, and they have been very attractive since entering the market.

All six vessels are undergoing a change of ownership, as they were recently sold from Blue Ship Invest to Nordic American Offshore.